Sunday, October 15, 2017

5 Year Plan (First Step)

Within 5 years I would like to be "older and wiser", I'd like to think everyday I'm learning something new and becoming a better self so in 5 years I want to be nicer and smarter and take better care of myself and my body. At that point in my life I want to have a better diet, preferably cutting out dairy products because I think they're gross but I love yogurt. I want to be working towards my masters degree within 5 years, at that point I hope to be graduated college but I want to further my educated than just 4 years and I also hope to be working by then. I want to have my own car, I really don't think I will be moved out by then because my parents are foreign and thats just not a thing you do so it would be unrealistic to say so. I want to travel to several states in America that I haven't been to before, I'd like to go to Illinois because my brother lives there, Oregon, and Washington specifically. I believe these are all achievable, working towards my masters and getting a job might overlap with eachother since I will be doing these around the same time in my life. I will have to plan a lot to be able to travel where I would like to go and save money for these trips. Changing my diet and becoming a better self will feed into eachother by the decisions I make for myself. 

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