Sunday, November 26, 2017

Response to 5 Artists

Peter Campus - Three Transitions
This video was so memorizing to watch and also thought provoking but mostly just confused thoughts. I did enjoy watching it but I'm unclear on the message although I don't think it matters with this specific video. 

Bill Viola - Emergence 
This video to me seems almost religious or at least pulling towards that idea, I like this style of questionable art that doesn't display a solid message because I feel like work I have done in the past shows a similar idea.

Valie Export - Facing A Family
This video was kind of boring, the scenery never changed which made the video seem flat and uninteresting.

Jesper Just - No Man Is An Island II
For some reason I really enjoyed this video, the scenery was appealing and the song was nice to listen to. The man that seemed confused throughout the video brought reality back into this breakout of song which I liked.

Gary Hill - Wall Piece
This video made me so uncomfortable to watch but it was the sort of thing I forced myself to finish for the purpose of art. It was executed well and it was so weird to the point that you had to keep watching it.

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