Saturday, September 16, 2017

Quotidian Project Idea

For this project I want to write down a word to describe the mood I'm feeling and then draw a sketch to go along with it. I plan on using the synonyms for these emotions on most days, for example instead of writing "happy" I'll write "joyous". I also want to use my scanner for the sketches because I like how pictures come out that way rather than taking a picture of it from my phone.

Example #1

Project Questions

What space are you creating?
A living room/family room

I feel its the most inviting room in a house and people spend most of their time there.

What kind of images do you need to collect to create this space?
Couches, table, tv, windows, random decor

Where do you need to go?
My house, a friends house, possibly stores

When and How?
The weekend or after class, I could use my phone or my camera for the pictures or find some online

How does the created environment relate to your portraits?
I feel I have shown my different personalities in a space like the one I want to create before and I don't need a complex area to show that

Will others appear in this image?  

What mood are you trying to create?
I want the mood to be more passive because I think that is a good way to describe these personalities as "going with the flow" and allowing whatever happens in life to run its course

What will the overall tone be (think cinematically)?
I want the overall tone to be sort of mysterious but still inviting enough for the person viewing the picture to get a sense of the type of person showcases. I plan to have some people be shown as cheerful and others as more gloomy.

How can you play with different aspects of your identity?
I can show the type of person I am alone, with family, with friends and with strangers by changing the way I dress, my body language and the way I interact with the environment.

Is this something specific or more ambiguous?
I feel this will be more specific because every personality will represent something in a universal way.

Is this a realistic space?

Do you have multiple heads?

Wasn't really planning on it and I don't think I need it.

Homework #3

After reading an article like "Everyone is Altered" that speaks so heavy on the topic of plastic surgery I can't help but be interested and almost amazed at how advanced the world of body alterations are. The Hollywood scene is very intense its probably impossible to find someone that hasn't had any sort of change made to themselves. It almost seems evil in a way, that nobody that goes into this industry ever comes out the same. I will say that the idea of digital procedures is almost too crazy for me to comprehend completely.


What is your previous computer experience?
I have used computers a lot as a kid and growing up mostly for playing on and using social media, but I have used computers throughout high school for things like Excel, Word and Photoshop.

What do you hope to get out of this class?
I hope to become better with computers and Photoshop.

What is the relationship between computers and visual studies?
I've used computers for a long time but mostly for playing on and for entertainment purposes. I've never taken a visual studies class before but they interest me. 

What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator?
I took a class in high school based around Photoshop, but I have never used Illustrator.

Do you have a computer at home? If so does it have Photoshop and Illustrator?
I have a laptop at home, it doesn't have either.

Do you use a Mac or PC?

Are you a Visual Studies Major? If not, what is your major?
Art Education

What do you hope to do with your major?
I hope to become an art teacher and be an actual good one because I've had gross art teachers in the past that have discouraged me.

Who is your favorite artist?
Van Gogh

Who is your favorite musician? 
Cage the Elephant

Tell me something interesting about yourself?
I own 20 records but I've actually only listened to 9 of them so far.

Write a five line story?
After several tries a cab finally stops for Shpresa. She got in the back seat and told the driver to drop her off at her home. She spent over 8 hours in the office and couldn't wait to get home to her pet. The driver drives a few blocks and they reach her destination. She pays the man and runs down her driveway where she sees her cat waiting for her by the door.

Post an image on the blog.

Homework #1

After reading "My So-Called Opinions" it reminded me a lot of the topics my English teacher from 9th grade would talk about. She was a very eccentric person in some ways and one time she told my class that our generation is one of the most narcissistic and that we love taking pictures of ourselves and posting on social media about ourselves and being the center of conversation. Back then and to this day I still think that is a weird assumption about kids these days. In my opinion I'd rather be narcissistic than hate myself. I do agree from the article that people know a days don't back up their opinions on topics and tend to be vague, but I also don't really think people need to explain themselves all the time. As for the "Song-Dong" article I found the concept of recreating an entire room as an exhibit interesting. I love collecting knick-knacks and random odds and ends and it seems like Song-Dong's mother did the same. It also stressed me out when the article said that his father didn't necessarily support him but I was glad to see his mother did. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Elephant Being Abducted

Environment Reflection

I want the environment in my piece to reflect the person I really am and my interests. Since I want the people in my image to show myself around strangers, family, friends and by myself I want the room to be all about my "real" self. In my own bedroom I have a lot of random things like knick knacks and records and clothes and furniture even though I have the smallest room in my house. People have told me that my room really reflects who I am, I guess cluttered but not in a messy way more like a thrift store (not like a hoarder but more of a collector). If I were to personify it the environment would resemble a person who enjoys art and music and that has an attachment to items and memories.